Rabu, Mei 31, 2023

Thank you for attending my TED Talk.

I think it's clearly shown how I very much enjoy my life these past few days. I've been staying away from all the shits that keep on hurting me for months, now I'm freeing myself. I'm currently taking a break from expanding my social circle since it's a little bit troublesome.

I believe that life supposes to be like this. We gotta have such balance to do what we love. I mean, it's true that I freaking love writing. I can write every single day without a break, and I will never complain about it. However, there are still times when I don't feel good.

Of course, about myself. I won't talk about insecurities since I rarely feel insecure and I always know what I'm capable of. But the thing is, I dislike some circumstances I'm currently in. There's this universe which making me feel insignificant. I feel like I don't belong there.

I have my very own reason why I choose to take a break from writing. It scares me how people tend to look down on someone who has sincere heart to befriend everyone without a doubt, while at the same time they enjoy hanging aound other people who have more impact in the universe.

I hardly believe that I'm currently talking about impact. Well, what I'm trying to say is I find it very amusing, seeing people be like praising other people for what they did even though the act didn't even service or benefit them at all. They only praise for the sake of popularity.

It's fine, though. I don't mind being placed as the second option. I'm used to it. Still, don't step on someone just because you think that they don't have anything to offer and they're just nothing. It matters a lot how you treat other people. Don't be so cocky, life's a gamble.

Having another heartbreak because of this doesn't surprise me anymore. I always be the one who's being forgotten and I'm the one who forgives almost all the time, so what's new? This adds another reason why I choose to be alone and never wonder about the life of party people.

I'm always enough because I have a warm little family, also one beloved sister whose heart is so big that I can sleepover every time I feel depressed and she never makes me feel small. She's the one who supports me and never give up on me. I love it so much, having a twin sister.

Back to the topic, just don't be so fast judging people. It's a friendly reminder for us that we might not see everything, so don't take everyone as nothing. Believe me, maybe one day we'll get surprised by their achievements. We might not congratulate them, but we'll see, haha.

Maybe we'll start to hope that we could build relations with them because of their popularity. However, life's hard. Who knows the rejection will be at your front door? Before that really happens, don't you think we all should be kind to everyone by not taking them for granted?

Yes, let's do that, you and me, us, together. As for now, I'll promise you that I'll keep improving myself to the point that I don't need anyone to validate my existence in this universe. Keep in mind, players gonna play, and haters gonna hate. People change, and life must go on.

If you think you can easily disrespect me and coming back like nothing ever happened, I'll gladly show you the door where you can exit. Last but not least, thank you for attending my TED Talk.

Sincerely yours,

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