Rabu, Juni 21, 2023

Do not let people become priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs.

Do not let your heart be troubled for a long time. Do not let your dreams just be dreams. Do not let fear of failure control your life. And please remember this one important thing. Do not let people become priority in your life when you are just an option in theirs. 

Assuming that I have completely succeeded changing for the better now. I know better than anyone else that I can accept all the feelings which happened to fill my aching heart. I am responsible for how I feel towards anybody, and I am truly grateful for this wake-up call.

The wake-up call that finally could open my eyes when nobody seems to care. I have been feeding their ego with kindness. I have been helping them to be wicked. I have been trying so hard to please everyone. Now that everything comes to an end, I hope they end the agony.

Sincerely yours,

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