Minggu, Juli 30, 2023

9 things I've learned in June.

9 things I've learned in June:

1. If you're unhappy, it's not worth it.
2. Stop waiting for others to be ready to live the life that you want. Do what you want to do, the rest will follow.
3. It's easy to want something you don't have. But when you have something and still want it, that's when you know it's real.
4. People will tell you all sorts of things. None of it will mean anything if they don't get it done.
5. If you know what's good for you, do that. It is as simple as that.
6. Stop going back to an experience you've already concluded isn't for you. "This time" won't be any different. Move on.
7. It's better to have things suck for awhile as you seek improvement, than to be stuck in a situation you don't want to be in anymore.
8. Have long conversations with people. You will look back and realize that some people make you feel good, and some you don't care at all. stay close to the people who make you feel good.
9. Not everything has to be super serious all the time. Have fun with your life before it's over.

Sincerely yours,

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