Sabtu, Juli 15, 2023

At least I'm no longer disappointed.

I remember the day I realized that I don't need anyone. I have myself and that is enough for me to make all the good I want happen for myself.

Disappointments come from expectations. I wondered for a long time if I was asking for too much, although the thought of that felt comical for someone who lived their entire life feeling like everything was missing.

The day I realized I don't need anyone, I exchanged disappointments for loneliness. I chased after what I want and achieved it all alone with no one to celebrate with.

But hey, at least I'm no longer disappointed.

I know life isn't meant for you to do it all on your own, but let me bask in it a little longer. I'd still very much rather take in this emptiness than have to ache anymore.

Sincerely yours,

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