Jumat, Juli 28, 2023

9 things I've learned after I let go.

9 things I've learned after I let go:

1. Things will suck immediately after. That's okay. It will take time for new things to enter your life.
2. A part of you will miss the old life. That feeling will fade when you find better things to surround yourself with.
3. You can't force things to stay. Enjoy the memories. Be glad that it happened, but you can't dwell on it.
4. Choose yourself first. If letting go helps you find your way back to yourself, it is worth it.
5. Letting go will help you to find peace. You've been carrying all this dead weight for so long. You don't need them anymore. Let yourself be free.
6. It will hurt for awhile, but you will be happier in the future. If you never let go, it will hurt forever.
7. If it's meant to be, it will come back. Sometimes people have to grow apart for awhile before they can grow together again.
8. Most of the fear is really just in your head. Once you let go, you will be able to see things for what they really are, and it's never as scary as you think.
9. It's already over. Stop holding on to what isn't there anymore.

Sincerely yours,

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