Rabu, Juli 19, 2023

I know this sounds fake.

I know this sounds fake, but your life really can be whatever the heck you want it to be. It starts from eliminating the things you've been repeating but you don't even care about it anymore. Eliminate people you no longer want to hang out with. Eliminate eating foods that make you feel like shit after. Eliminate that job you've been wanting to quit for months. Start doing things that you've never done before. Otherwise, your life will never change. Try out your idea of making art and selling it on the internet. Book that flight ticket to the place you've always wanted to visit. Move to a new city. Sign up for a course. Reach out to that person you like, but talked yourself out of saying hi. It's all an accumulation of not doing the things you dislike and doing more little things that makes you excited. If you keep doing that, your life will slowly become what you want.

Sincerely yours,

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